Safety Risks for Road Users

South Africa has a reputation for being one of the most dangerous places to drive, and recent studies back this up with some alarming statistics. With the highest number of fatal road accidents among 20 surveyed countries, our roads are some of the deadliest in the world.


The Numbers Don’t Lie

South Africa experiences 44,8 fatal accidents per 100,000 people. To put this into perspective, this rate is worse than in countries known for their chaotic traffic and poor road conditions, such as India, Brazil, Colombia, and Peru.


What’s Causing the Chaos?

  • Reckless Driving:

Speeding, aggressive driving, and ignoring traffic laws are common.

  • Drunk Driving:

Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is a significant problem.

  • Poor Vehicle Maintenance:

Many cars on the road are not properly maintained, which leads to accidents.

  • Corruption and Inefficiency:

Bribes to avoid fines and illegitimate licences allow unqualified drivers to get behind the wheel.


Driver Behaviour

Out of over 4 million trips monitored, 28% of South African drivers indicated at least one bad driving habit such as harsh braking, harsh acceleration, speeding, and sharp cornering. Notably, acceleration and speeding accounted for 21% of the incidents. These dangerous habits contribute to over 12,500 road deaths, annually.

A study revealed that South African youth exhibit more risky driving behaviours compared to their global counterparts. Many admit that they would fail their driving tests if they were retaken. Additionally, young drivers in South Africa aren’t well-prepared for challenging conditions such as heavy rain or night driving.


The Road Ahead

Driving in South Africa can be risky, but with the collective efforts of traffic law enforcement and responsible drivers, it’s possible to make the roads safer for everyone.