Pop the corn! Here are 4 drive-in movie theatres in SA that are sure to bring nostalgia.
As the world becomes increasingly digitised, it's easy to forget about the simple pleasures of the past. While drive-in movie theatres have become less common over the years, there are still unique locations in South Africa where you can relive this nostalgic experience.
Time to loosen-up on those “no eating in the car” rules, as we have a few drive-in options which include the yummiest of cinema snacks!
GoDriveIn (Cape Town)
A drive-in theatre and roadhouse located between Woodstock and Salt River. Offering a variety of food and drink options, this is the perfect place to spend an evening with friends or family. Book their Love Bug experience for a date night in a VW Beetle with a couch and retro radio!
Bright Night Cinema (Cape Town & Johannesburg)
This company specialises in setting-up outdoor movie theatres for private or corporate events. They have different packages available which include picnic or drive-in options for a personalised experience.
Molly Malone’s Roadhouse Drive-In (Johannesburg)
This drive-in truly brings back the nostalgia with a roadhouse, a pub, and regular movie screenings. They serve burgers and milkshakes right at your car window, the old-school way! You can make a booking for a movie or arrange a private event.
The Sandton City Drive-In (Johannesburg)
Keep an eye on the schedule for Sandton City’s Ster Kinekor. A few times a year, the cinema hosts drive-in events showing the biggest blockbusters on their rooftop parking. Be sure to bring comfy blankets as the car can cool down quickly at night.
For many, the drive-in movie theatre was a staple of childhood, an experience that was unique, exciting, and memorable. Grab some snacks, hop into your car, and head out to one of these great drive-in movie theatres for a fun-filled time!