Keeping Your Pets Safe During Winter

Dr Hayley Du Toit is a veterinarian at the Tzaneen Animal Clinic in Limpopo, and she’s been a vet for almost 20 years!


How does the cold weather affect pets?

“Our pets definitely feel the cold just like we do. If they have any joint issues, they will experience more pain and stiffness during the colder months. Pets with less body fat and thin coats will also be more sensitive to the cold weather.”


What are the signs of “winter blues” pet parents can look out for?

“Pets don’t always show pain as we would expect them to. So, it can sometimes go unnoticed by pet parents. They may be less active, lie in their beds more, be less friendly than normal, and you might even see that older pets wet their beds (this is because they are trying to avoid going out into the cold and wait until their bladders are really full).”


Do you have advice on how to help pets through the colder months?

“Provide warm beds for your animals, and enough for each of them. We see more dog fights in winter as they compete for the prime sleeping spot. If you have a senior pet, please take them to your vet for a check-up to see if they have arthritis, which can be managed. There are a multitude of options that your vet can prescribe to keep your pet as pain-free as possible.”


Learn More About Our Vet of the Month (VOM)

Dr Hayley lives on a farm in Tzaneen with her husband and son. She works predominantly with pets, but their practice sees animals of all shapes and sizes.


When did you decide to become a vet?

“While I was taking a gap year, after school.”


Do you have any pets?

“We have four dogs, a Great Dane, a Border Collie, and 2 crossbreed rescues. We also have 2 cats and a parrot; they are also rescues! Oh, and about 20 chickens who keep my kitchen stocked with eggs.”


Any last thoughts on the topic?

“Please give your pet the option of sleeping indoors!”