Are cats purrrfect companions? In many ways yes; but it’s fair to say that they have their moments:
- They scratch, paw and claw
- They talk to us
And sometimes, they “do their business” on our things. We often get questions about this from our family of pet owners, so we decided to ask Mr Google to help us clear the air.
Here are 5 (not so nice) cat waste related questions with answers:
- Why does my cat poop everywhere in the house except in his litterbox?
Cats sometimes have Obsessive Cat Disorder (OCD) when it comes to hygiene. Your kitty won’t do his business in his litter box if it’s not clean and filled with copious amounts of sand and stones. The litter box needs to be deep and fresh enough to keep your purring royalty satisfied with his bathroom environment.
Solution: Clean your cat’s litter box daily and refill it with some sparkling stones every 3 days.
- What’s up with the yellow puddles on the carpet and bedding?
Jokes aside, if your cat’s using your personal space as a restroom, there might be something seriously wrong.
Your feline friend might be experiencing the following:
- Anxiety due to separation
- Medical issues (urinary tract infections, diabetes or arthritis)
- High litter box standards (we’ve already spoken about this)
- Relationship problems (marking their territory)
Solution: See a qualified vet and make sure your cat’s litter box is clean. Don’t punish your pur-machine for peeing. It’s not their fault that they’ve got to empty their tanks.
- Why do cats bury their poop?
Turns out cats have a thing for cleanliness, something doggies could learn from their nemesis. Humans flush, cats cover. It’s that simple!
According to Dr. Jurgella, author of the “Cat Language Bible”, the act of meticulously burying their waste stems from cats' long history of using urine and faeces to mark their territory. Cats can tell their waste apart from another's thanks to unique chemical scent markers called pheromones, which are present in their discharge.
Your cat's careful burying habits are also her way of saying that she respects you and sees you as the dominant person in the house.
- How do I treat diarrhoea?
It’s best not to give your fury friend any solid foods for 12-24 hours while he’s experiencing diarrhoea, but do provide plenty of fresh, clean water to prevent dehydration.
Call the vet immediately if severe (watery or "explosive") diarrhoea continues for more than 24 hours or if it worsens, is bloody, or is accompanied by other symptoms such as vomiting, fever or difficulty walking. The cause could be anything from worms to something more serious like panleukopenia (feline distemper).
- How do I treat constipation?
You might notice your kitty-cat fidgeting in his litter box or simply just walking around with a swollen belly and a lack of appetite. This could be a sign of the dreaded constipation.
There are many reasons why your cat may have trouble letting go:
- Dehydration
- Hairballs/excessive grooming
- Enlarged prostate gland
- Tangled hair on the buttocks
- Ingestion of foreign objects such as string, cloth, bones, etc.
- Side effect of medication
- Tumour or other intestinal obstruction
- Neurologic disorder
- Obesity
- Abnormal colon shape or motility
Solution: Take your kitty to the vet where he/she will receive a laxative or another diet plan. Don’t feed your fur-ball human remedies like prune juice. Things might end messy…. #enoughsaid
Okay, we’re done with the feline faeces fact-finding.
Love your cats, they are complex creatures, and although they can be full of $*** sometimes, there might be a good reason.